Artificial Intelligence: Revealing the Blessing of God

Muhammad Sayyid Tsabit Anfaresi
4 min readJan 27, 2024



Humans are God’s creation who have been gifted with reason. Through this reason, humans are given the ability to understand everything and compile various knowledge, make various tools, mine minerals, remove various items from the bottom of the sea, and everything is subordinated to it. In accordance with the word of Allah SWT. in Q.S. Al-Jathiyah verse 13 which says:

“He ‘also’ subjected for you whatever is in the heavens and whatever is on the earth- all by His grace. Surely in this are signs for people who reflect.”

Based on the verse above, we can understand that God invites us to become creatures who use reason. And this intellect is used to read the signs of His greatness, including the animals created by Allah SWT. which in the future became an inspiration for creating artificial intelligence.

Artificial Intelligence as inspiration

The results of the study and crystallization of research results regarding the prowess of these animals in overcoming problems can be adopted to solve company management, business, power plant scheduling so that it is optimal in serving consumers and other tasks that involve tracking and reasoning. So, the role of humans who receive the gift of reason and tie it to science and natural phenomena, is the key to realizing artificial intelligence to become leaders on earth and prosper it.

Big Idea

Today, we’re going to share with you some cool stuff about how artificial intelligence works. But first, let’s think about this: how do you know where a mosquito bit you so fast? And how do you deal with it by smacking that annoying bug?

Did it take you hours to find where that annoying mosquito bit you? No way, right? That’s because you have a very smart system in your body that can respond quickly to any disturbance.

This is what inspired De Castro and his gang to come up with the Artificial Immune System (AIS) method, and also the human intelligence that is transmitted through the nerves that have produced the method.

AIS is a cool way of using the ideas from the biological immune system to solve problems in computer science. It can do things like finding patterns, detecting anomalies, and optimizing solutions. The immune system is amazing because it can learn from experience and remember how to deal with different threats. AIS tries to copy that by using algorithms that mimic the immune system’s processes.

There are many more inspirations that are adopted from animal intelligence, including bee colonies, ant colonies, fireflies, and others. Some people say that this artificial intelligence is an intuitive power, but we think that those colonies have intelligence that is already put (default) by God Almighty, as fixed intelligence, like a chip or Integrated Circuit that is already filled with smart software.

Swarm of ants finding a food source

All animals have fixed intelligence, but ants can work together very well when looking for food. Without a map, they can find food through an optimal tracking process, and end up with a very short distance. Ants can reach hidden food positions by cooperating. If ants did their job of looking for sugar by using a random method, they would run out of energy without getting any results. Ants manage themselves to arrange their steps very efficiently. This is a very accurate, measurable, and advanced technology management.

Before we go…

When humans can use the information they have and reason about it to solve a problem and make a decision, “Can machines do the same thing?” This question stems from human intelligence that brought a revolution in shifting the global industrial model.

In the second half of the twentieth century, the global industrial model stepped into the third generation. A generation where computers and electronic devices supporting them know the term ‘automation’ — execution without full control. Realizing an implementation of artificial intelligence or machine intelligence.

Entering the fourth generation, devices can communicate directly with one another. One of them is the Internet of Things. Communication patterns, response patterns, decision-making patterns, which are taken from large data, enable machines to be commanded by humans to learn about these patterns and imitate them.

This is the fruit of the gift of intelligence of a human being who has observed the signs of God’s greatness.

Next, what you want to know more?

